Tuesday 6 December 2011

Kick, push

Time has flown and all of a sudden it is more than two weeks since I came over here to weed my lil shamba. Well, I would blame it on alcohol if I were a fan of it. This is that moment that I am allowed to start my sentences as ‘there comes a time….’ in a bid to offer an explanation on the cause of my desertion. Am not good at apologies, I also do not expect you to apologize when you have wrong me. Gibbs used to say, ‘never apologize, it’s a sign of weakness’. It is my lifelong obligation of keeping my weaknesses as far away as possible from the human folk. My weaknesses form most of my secrets and that’s why I would take most of em to the grave, now that I do not drink.
I have been busy in the last two weeks bashing. I knew that the job I had gotten into involved a lot of mental strength before I started it, but that was not a definite shield from it. It’s been one and half months and yet I feel tired to few thoughts away from applying for an early retirement. I always take that as a natural reaction my body undergoes just to prove I am human. At any point in time a human being has to possess a basket filled with stressing occurrences and individuals. Even the wealthiest have to possess something to groan and complain about. Basic signs of being human.
It is never an easy ride in this life. We all have to manufucture the right formular of overcoming the challenges on the way as an individual, unless you are a relative to those two guys in the forbes list. One has to be watchful for the opportunities and pounce on them. The sad fact about opportunities is that you they do not announce their arrival nor do they inform when they will come back.
It doesn’t matter where you are from, unless you are in the business of chasing the spoilt Nairobi teenage girls. The worst one can do is letting his/her background influence the future. Life is like the 400 metres race. Once the race has started, the guy in the outermost lane will appear to be leading in the first 100 metres. As the race graduates, the athletes will appear to be even and the winner will be dependent on the one with the right tactics in the last 100 meters. It was recently that I noticed that I was level with that guy in the outer lane who had been leading the race all along.  
Nobody should lose hope in life. Nobody should resign and let fate determine the future. In one point in life, all rich and successful people were not rich and successful. They were wondering also whether they could be rich. It is never late. Those who have done CPA exams will attest. Passing a given exam and leaving a colleague behind is not a guarantee that you will complete section 6 before him. Everybody has his/her own unique and intricate pattern to follow to success.
Well, that is good enough for today. I sound funny writing this, right? I felt like saying this today. I hope I have not gotten it all wrong. *going back to read this post again*
Boom box playlist:
Don’t believe ‘em – Busta Rhymes, T.I, Akon

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