Thursday 5 January 2012

End year strange clouds.

At last it is 2012. Happy New Year guys though I was left behind in 2011, I managed to muscle my way here. It does not feel like a New Year, does it? At least to me it doesn’t. My phone got spoilt on 31st so I never received those ‘happy new year, may you..’ messages. It must have been scared of change. Apart from worrying my parents sick of my whereabouts, it made me drift to the world of solitude to usher my new year devoid of any technological and social interference, well except my laptop and the TV series ‘Homeland’.
New years are signified by renewed energies and vigor to embark on jobs or schools in the year. I have none of that. I still struggle to wake up as I did last year. In fact I am worse. I now snooze my alarm twice. My house is a piece of well documented mess. It is still December 23rd in my mind. I was denied the break I really deserved. The mere act of going out of town for few days could have worked magic on me.
As most of you were merrying and feasting on rural goat ribs, I was in the city working. Scratch that. I was mostly in industrial area working. My job dictates I go for end year stock takes at my clients’ places. That is depressing. It gets worse when the clients are in the festive mood because their characteristic delays and sluggishness will technically wear you off. One time I went for a stock take at 10 am and I was told the guy in charge was to arrive at 3pm. Now that is a perfectly fucked up situation. Industrial area is characterized by two things: warehouses and dust. You either stay in that warehouse or stay out with the dust. There are no fancy places to go just to pass time. The fanciest place is outside Manji biscuits factory, which has a biscuits aroma floating around.
Speaking of fancy places. Matatus from that place reach Muthurwa. So you have to walk your way into town. One time I decided to take my lunch in some hotel in Muthurwa. I knew what I was getting into. I mean..I grew up with such kinds of hotels. This was all out of curiosity. It is part of my New Year resolutions to act out of ordinary ey?
I cannot remember the hotel’s name. It was very large. Probably the size of a tennis court. It has plastic furniture arranged in three longs rows across the hall. It had two TVs in each end of the tennis each end of the hotel walls, on citizen naija channel. What surprised me was that there was no kitchen in sight. I later learnt that the kitchen is in another building about 25 meters away. The waitresses have to cross through some open space with your order to reach you. The waitress who came to serve me was really, really glad to see me going by the smile she flashed at me. She had this menu full of masking tapes. Damn this fluctuating dollar. I flashed my best smile back at her. I came to find out that she is glad to see all other customers. I withdrew my best smile. There was something wrong with her and it was not the badly done eye lashes and the squirrel on the head in the name of a weave. I think her panties were two sizes larger than her trouser. It could have made more sense if she turned superman/woman and wore the panties over the trousers. It was a sight not to look at twice. I will leave it at that.
Well, I ate githeri special. Nothing was special about it apart from the direct contact with sunlight and the 987 kms it covered from the kitchen to my stomach. Anyway, it gave me energy to walk from Muthurwa to Ngara. For the record I never experienced any stomach problems because of that. I told you I grew up with such things.
I have my fingers crossed that my mind, focus and a sense of drive gets delivered to me in time to officially start my new year. I hope this year will get better than the last. Just to echo my friend Tosh’s wishes: may 2012 be an unrivaled story of greatness, growth and goodness.
Boom box playlist:
 Paradise – Coldplay.


  1. I need stomachs like yours in test my cooking hehe

  2. hehe..maybe it is nothing but a container of yet to be discovered diseases and their young ones.
